Tuesday 14 November 2017

High Grossing Thriller Film Posters

This film poster only uses two colours –red and black which are dark colours and extremely powerful and effective as they are associated with something severe and dark. Therefore this colour scheme can be seen as genre specific. The use of the lighthouse in the centre of the poster highlights it’s a significant location in the film.

This film poster for Split has the title in a bold grey colour and is centred making it an attractive poster. The used of the shadows coming from the actor on the right is evidence of the plot of the film where the character has multiple personalities hence the multiple emerging shadows. The use of dark colours on a white background emphasises the evil of that character and makes the poster stand out even more.

This Silence of the Lambs poster incorporates a number of images of important characters in the film as well as important locations and scenes. The use of photo shop allows  all of these images to fit into the poster and not overlap each other. The dark colours used for the entire poster links in with the darkness of the plot and the genre itself.

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