Tuesday 28 November 2017

You Gov Profiles

Silence of the Lambs

Silence of the Lambs is a film similar to ours in terms of genre so by looking at the demographics for the film we can gather an understanding who we would look to target as an audience.

  • therefore we will look to target mostly middle aged men
  • release the majority of campaign in the North West
  • these people normally have a lot of money to spend
  • we can even look to tailor the plot of out film to similar films of interest of our demographic

Monday 27 November 2017

Film Review Basis

This is the film review which I based my short film review for Of Unsound Minds on. I liked the layout of the review as it is smart and effective with red and black font colour and an off white border. Also it has a recommendation for a similar film which is something I liked and included in mine.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Of Unsound Minds - Draft

Film Review - Of Unsound Minds

Of Unsound Minds - Film Posters

Using Photoshop - Film Poster

      Before diving in with making a film poster for my own short film it was better to get some experience using Photoshop and each of the tools available. For example I used the magic wand to get rid of the previous background on the original batman photo to make it look like he is a part of my new background. The new background came from setting its colour to black and importing and cropping a photo of a door on fire into the background for dramatic effect. Then the title came which gave me a grip of how i could change colours of the letters as well as bevel and emboss the word. Practising this will be pivotal in helping me to create a film poster for my own short film of a high standard.

Short and Indie Film Posters

This film poster is of an independent film company and is one that stands out with the bright blue and white. The fact that the boy is submerged under the blue links in with the film title Submarine which is creative and further makes it stand out. There is also a reliance on quotes at the top of the page to make it seem successful to the audience.

This short film poster has only three colours being used which all compliment each other making the man in the suit stand out and highlight his significance in the film. Also the title is bold and clear to see making it stand out further. It then has reviews at the top to make it more attractive to the audience.

Curves poster is effective as even though it is very limited with images and detail it has the location used in the film as well as a title that stands out due to it being white on a blackout background.

High Grossing Thriller Film Posters

This film poster only uses two colours –red and black which are dark colours and extremely powerful and effective as they are associated with something severe and dark. Therefore this colour scheme can be seen as genre specific. The use of the lighthouse in the centre of the poster highlights it’s a significant location in the film.

This film poster for Split has the title in a bold grey colour and is centred making it an attractive poster. The used of the shadows coming from the actor on the right is evidence of the plot of the film where the character has multiple personalities hence the multiple emerging shadows. The use of dark colours on a white background emphasises the evil of that character and makes the poster stand out even more.

This Silence of the Lambs poster incorporates a number of images of important characters in the film as well as important locations and scenes. The use of photo shop allows  all of these images to fit into the poster and not overlap each other. The dark colours used for the entire poster links in with the darkness of the plot and the genre itself.