Thursday 13 July 2017

In a Heartbeat

Mise en Scene
       The theme of this short film can be represented through the use of mise en scene. For example the fact that the teenagers are dressed presentably and smartly this goes against the dominant ideology of Hegemony as he states that only the dominant ideology is reflected. In this case that is not true as the teens do not follow the dominant view that they are scruffy. The use of books as props further shows them to be intellectuals which I imagine is not a general view of the youth of society. This can be seen too follow Gauntlett's message of media messages being divers and contradictory.

        Sound is a further example of the contradiction in this short film to the representation which is common. The non diagetic soundtrack can be seen as soft and mellow which does not usually associate with younger characters. However it intensifies and becomes more panicky as the boys love is expressed for the other boy in front of the rest of the school. This sign of homosexuality is subject to Stan Cohens representation theory which is showing something such as homosexuality to be a threat to societal values or interests.

        The use of editing in this short film can be seen to conform to Gauntlett's  representation theory by using an animated heart. This heart is a sign of compassion from one boy to another which of course in today's can be seen as contradictory and a diverse message from the media. Furthermore the two boys being pictured holding the animated heart at the end can be seen as negotiated reading as the audience is highly likely to agree as well as disagree with the text.

    The use of close ups on the two different boys shows two different sets of emotions with the ginger boy being out of control and in a state of panic as his heart races off for the other boy. Whereas the dark haired boy is cool and collected yet becomes puzzled when he is confronted by the heart of the ginger boy. Stan Cohen's representation theory that cultures are subject to moral panic when a group of people have been defined as a threat to societal values as when their emotions are shown in school it is looked down upon and isn't normal.

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