Monday 18 September 2017

Character Analysis

Main Characters

Main Protagonist - Called rob works in the city as a stockbroker 8am-6pm. Rob doesn't get enough sleep as he gets home at 8pm and continues to work at home until 1am  because he feels he isn't as successful as everyone else at work and feels if he does extra work he will be on par with everyone else as he is having a rough period and only gets 5 hours sleep as he has to get to work at 7:30, making him stressed because of the environment he works in is very fast paced and you can't put a foot wrong as the whole businesses reputation is on the line. - Wearing full 2 piece suit
Image result for suit

Therapist - he is doctor trying to comfort in rob and help him get over his mental health issues, very intelligent, cool, calm and collected and handles intense situations with ease and really tries to get to the bottom of Rob's problems and brings the truth put in him as he knows that he is the only person Rob can confide to  - Wearing a shirt with black smart trousers and smart shoes

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Personality one (Little girl) - Is called lily, young innocent 12 year old meaning she isn't very intelligent, naïve and relies on other people to help her all the time as she was spoilt when she was younger and got everything her way meaning she lacks independence - She will be wearing a white dress which shows her innocence

Image result for teenage girl in white dress

Personality two (drug abuser/hippie) - Is called Daniel and is Being rejected by society, not doing well in education and not being able to fit in or find illegitimate ways to make money (known as double failure) leading him to turn to drugs. - Wearing a floral shirt with socks and sandals and shorts

Image result for socks and sandals

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