Wednesday 5 July 2017

Representation Theory

Dominant Ideology - views, messages, values projected and held by mainstream society
Gramsci's Hegemony - representation is unequal, dominant ideology reflected
Stan Cohen - cultures are subject to moral panic when a group of people have been defined as a threat to societal values or interests
Gary Giddens - representation experiences make us reflect upon and rethink our own self narrative in relation to others
Gauntlett - media messages are diverse, diffuse and contradictory, resources people use to think through their sense of self
Berger - "men look women appear" women are there solely for objectification of men
Bell Hooks - lighter skinned women are considered more desirable and fit better into western ideology of culture, women are objectified and sexualised in hip-hop
Star Power - institutions use films stars to attract large audiences
Tessa Perkins Stereotypes

  • not always negative
  • not always about minorities
  • can be held about own group
  • can change
  • not always false
Dyer Stereotypes - always about power, those with power stereotype those with less power

I believe that the short film 'I Miss You' links well to Gauntlett's representation theory about media messages being diverse and contradictory. This is the case as the man in this short film is seen to be the sensitive and emotional character which isn't usually the case as the woman normally has these characteristics. This gets viewers to think again about the representation of men usually being cool and insensitive.

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