Monday 3 July 2017

Narratve Theory

Todorovs Equilibrium Theory
Linear Narrative
  • Starts from the beginning
  • Continues to middle events
  • Ends with the end
  • Follows a timeline of past, present, future
Non-linear Narrative
  • Does not always start at the beginning
  • No set timeline so often jumps around
  • Moves around from events in the story

Image result for todorov's equilibrium theory
Barthes' Theory of Narrative
OPEN - can be unravelled and have several different meanings or potential outcomes
CLOSED - only one obvious ending to the story
ENIGMA CODE - a question which is asked at the start of the film and answered at the end in order to kep the audience hooked on what a potential answer could be

Bodwell and Thompson
"narrative consists of a chain of events - every cause leads to an effect"

Reverse Chronology
a method of story telling whereby the plot of the story is revealed to the audience at the beginning of the film itself

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